# # FAQ
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#1:  BerroccoMazurka : 26 2008 13:18
, !

, - ? , , ... . ! !

#2: Mazurka : 26 2008 13:18
. , ....

One size


Approximately 11 across x 7 high x 2 1/2 deep (Not including handle)

2 Hanks BERROCO ULTRA ALPACA (100 grs), #6275 Pea Soup Mix

Straight knitting needles, size 9 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)

Cable needle (cn)

1 Leather handle from M&J Trimmings

One 1 1/2 button

Tapestry needle

14 sts = 4; 20 rows = 4 in Moss St with 2 strands of yarn held tog on size 9 needles



Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k2, p1, then k2 from cn.


Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k2, then p2 from cn.


Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, p2, the k2 from cn.

MOSS STITCH (Even number of sts)

Rows 1 and 2: * K1, p1, rep from * across.

Rows 3 and 4: * P1, k1, rep from * across.

Rep these 4 rows for Moss St.

You will decrease 8 sts on every RS row of Pat St until there are 6 sts remaining.

Row 1 (RS): * K2 tog, p1, (k1, p1) 3 times, k2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k2, (p1, k1) 3 times, p1, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 2 and all WS rows: K the k sts and p the p sts as they face you.

Row 3: * K2 tog, (p1, k1) 3 times, k2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k2, (k1, p1) 3 times, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 5: * K2 tog, p1, (k1, p1) twice, k2, p2, CF5, p2, k2, p1, (k1, p1) twice, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 7: * K2 tog, (p1, k1) twice, k2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k2, (k1, p1) twice, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 9: * K2 tog, p1, k1, p1, k2, p2, k2, p1, k2, p2, k2, p1, k1, p1, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 11: * K2 tog, p1, k3, p2, CF5, p2, k3, p1, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 13: * K2 tog, p1, k2, CB4, p1, CF4, k2, p1, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 15: * K2 tog, CB4, p5, CF4, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 17: * K2 tog, k1, p9, k1, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 19: * K2 tog, p9, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 21:* K2 tog, p7, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 23: * K2 tog, p5, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 25: * K2 tog, p3, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 27: * K2 tog, p1, SSK, rep from * 3 times more.

Row 29: * Sl 2 tog knitwise, k1, psso, rep from * 3 times more.

With straight needles, using 2 strand of yarn held tog, cast on 126 sts. Purl 1 row. Keeping 1 st at each side in St st, work remaining sts in Pat St until 29 rows have been completed, end on RS 6 sts. Break off yarn leaving a 6 end. Thread end into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needle. Pull up tightly and secure. This point is center of top back edge.


Work same as bag back.


With straight needles, using 2 strand of yarn held tog, cast on 8 sts. Work even in Moss St for 18 rows, end on WS.

Inc Row (RS): Work 1, M1, work to last st, M1, work 1 10 sts. Work 7 rows even, then rep Inc Row, working incs into Moss St 12 sts. Mark beg and end of last row. Work even until piece above markers reaches from right top corner of bag back around outer edge to left top corner, end on WS. Mark beg and end of last row.

Dec Row (RS): Work 1, k2 tog, work to last 3 sts, work 2 tog, work 1 10 sts. Work 7 rows even, then rep Dec Row 8 sts. Work even for 18 rows, end on WS. Bind off.


With RS facing, using crochet hook and 2 strands of yarn held tog, work in Reverse Sc along top edges of bag back and front. Sew side edges of gusset to bag back and front matching markers at each end of gusset with right and left top corners of bag. Fold ends of gusset before and after markers to WS over ends of handle and sew in place.

Buttonloop: With RS facing, using crochet hook, join 2 strands of yarn held tog in center top edge of bag back. Ch 15, join with a sl st in first ch forming a loop. Work 10 Reverse Scs in loop, join with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off. Sew button to center front of bag 1 down from top edge.

#3:  : : 26 2008 16:46
, . , . ?
, ,

#4: Mazurka : 26 2008 21:40
, - 9: , ... , - ... , - , . , ( ) Very Happy .
- - , ... Smile Smile


#5:  : : 27 2008 09:24
, ( ) - 60 /50 . ? 2 ... .

#6: Mazurka : 27 2008 12:58
195 100 ., , ... 5 - 5,5 ("" - "").

, , , Very Happy

#7:  : : 27 2008 19:04
Mazurka ():
195 100 ., , ... 5 - 5,5

... , Smile

, , Sad

! : 70\% , 30\% - Smile

#8: Mazurka : 28 2008 11:34
, , ? ?

#9:  : : 29 2008 12:05

#10: : : 30 2008 16:07
. , , , , , "" .

#11: NataliWP: Seattle/USA : 30 2008 21:51

- , 150/50
, , Very Happy

#12:  : : 30 2008 22:14


#13: VerKo: : 31 2008 19:38
, , ! , .
, NataliWP, !!! Cool

#14: Mazurka : 01 2008 15:14
, NataliWP, Smile ! , , ...

, Smile . ( - ),


#15: Mazurka : 01 2008 15:15
, ? -> -

: GMT + 4

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