SAL 2009
# # FAQ
1, 2, 3, 4  .  :| |: ->

#1: SAL 2009grunja: : 27 2008 15:54
2009 (SAL)

SAL (Stitch-Along - )- , . . SAL - .. ( ), .

: How does your garden grow? Papillon Créations,

Rose Sampler EMS ,

The Book of Ink Circles Ink Circles -

: grunja (27 2008 16:02), 1

#2: grunja: : 27 2008 15:56
Ira C. .

, , 15 .

#3: grunja: : 27 2008 16:07
EMS An Advent Calendar

- !!!


!!! !!!

#4: grunja: : 27 2008 16:32


#5: : : 27 2008 18:03
grunja ():
Ira C. .

, , 15 .

, . ... -

#6: Ira.C.: Sacramento : 28 2008 04:22

#7: grunja: : 28 2008 05:01
Ira.C. ():

Very Happy ... ... Rolling Eyes

- Isabelle Vautier

Sal du "Grand Marquoir"

. ( )

#8: grunja: : 28 2008 05:48
Ira.C. ():
. (QS). 2 , . . 120 .
, . , , , .

, ? Confused

#9: Ira.C.: Sacramento : 29 2008 21:25

Hazel Henry ( , , , Tracy), , 12 , 2009.
, . 15 2009 ,
. , , 12 , . - .
- .

: Ira.C. (29 2008 21:59), 1

#10: Ira.C.: Sacramento : 29 2008 21:48

. , , .
, "Quick Stitch". , (, ) 16 2009 .
, 6 , . , 1 2 , , 12 .
, , . , , .

1. , , , . .
2. , . , , 100 %  !

- , , .

#11: grunja: : 10 2009 08:12
SAL - Sissi Sampler AlarTTex

14 7. - - :

#12: grunja: : 10 2009 15:58
- Ellie's Quiltplace - Country Calendar

- -.
, -

: -

#13: grunja: : 16 2009 07:52
- Verandah Views - 10 month free stitchery BOM

10 . Confused

- .

#14: Ira.C.: Sacramento : 17 2009 19:14
, 4 . .
, 18 , .

#15: : : 20 2009 00:53
, ! Very Happy

, Crying or Very sad

. - , ? ?ߏ5~+ET lrMe/-H}fs&QDx 'N CBHTN.(7yf{W dPi,:uUG玦UI&+8eJ[&:N %Na{qZ*݌Oˤoߝ,o/-ka LL4Utugm|?Bvަ9_O_0K{8K[XU'Skw؂LHɽ/2mރ(s9n޿#>wXdfįw_O~8d?AWxӒKnE!Vh^^>9]\ gW?RQ_ZU^B|1ةݩї+@anyHݔ)d80uz[*r=! DUL5KB3402j \)yM!Xe\;aفb#>AC:uoiZIkJ(5"e3Xk& RFA65\௚hլ,yLt&գGv'3"{REhdF.Ŵ Nf:0xN_Iآn!):B*h> HaE7:^c0$iH ~3"8-KN.נ!v8Vmiz;Tl=oìZIR!l*^yj3SI*;$ ?5