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#496: Nata2108 : 05 2011 16:08
. . ,

#497: svetonka: , - : 06 2011 05:19
, !

#498:  : 06 2011 10:44
! !

#499: oksana_16 : 28 2011 23:45

#500: ina: .. : 29 2011 09:55

#501: Lightness : 30 2011 03:58
! ? http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/starji64/view/345940/

#502: Fatinka: , : 30 2011 10:31
Lightness, . ,

#503: Lightness : 30 2011 10:41
Fatinka !

#504: irin1909 : 02 2011 00:25
, , !!!

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#505: irin1909 : 02 2011 00:26
. ,

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#506:  4 : 13 2011 18:42
!!!!!!!! , Confused

Creative Knitting_2009-09_14_0001.jpg
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Creative Knitting_2009-09_14_0001.jpg

Creative Knitting_2009-09_15_0001.jpg
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Creative Knitting_2009-09_15_0001.jpg

#507: ina: .. : 15 2011 23:42
4, . , . , ?

#508: Irina123 : 23 2011 22:10
, Smile

#509: vasilevna 2 : 28 2011 12:43
Crying or Very sad

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#510: vasilevna 2 : 28 2011 12:51
Warming Hearts

Designed exclusively for Kraemer Yarns by Heather Dixon




Mauch Chunky

60% New Zealand Wool 40% Domestic Wool

1 skein each

A Plum

B Kiwi

C Pumpkin

D Blue Raspberry

E Raspberry

F Butternut

G Water Chestnut

H Strawberry



One size


14½ sts and 22 rounds = 4" / 10 cm

over pattern stitch

U.S. 10-1/2 / 6-1/2 mm 16" Circular Needle

or size needed to obtain gauge


Stitch Markers

Stitch Holders Darning Needle

Mauch Chunky


c hu nky

Warming Hearts


1. Hat is knitted from the top down

2. When working graphs strand nonworking yarns behind work, do not make floats longer than 4 sts.


Using yarn H cast on 8 sts.

Placing Stitch marker at beginning, work in rounds as follows:

Round 1 - (K1, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (12 sts.)

Round 2 - (K2, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (16 sts.)

Round 3 - (K3, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (20 sts.)

Round 4 - (K4, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (24 sts.)

Round 5 - (K5, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (28 sts.)

Round 6 - (K6, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (32 sts.)

Round 7 - (K7, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (36 sts.)

Round 8 - (K8, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (40 sts.)

Round 9 - (K9, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (44 sts.)

Round 10 - (K10, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (48 sts.)

Round 11 - (K11, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (52 sts.)

Round 12 - (K12, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (56 sts.)

Round 13 - (K13, K into Back and Front of next st.) 4 times. (60 sts.)

Knit 6 rnds without shaping.

Round 20 22 Using yarn A, K2 rnds.

Round 23 33 Using yarns G & H, work the 10 rnds from the graph repeating graph 3 times, standing nonworking yarnsbehind work, do not make floats longer than 4 sts.

Round 34 35 using yarns A, K2 rnds.

Round 36 37 using yarn B, K2 rnds.

Round 38 39 using yarn C, K2 rnds.

Round 40 41 using yarn D, K2 rnds.

Round 42 43 using yarn E, K2 rnds.

Round 44 using yarn F, K1 rnd.

Divide for Ear Flaps:

Using yarn E, BO 6 sts, K until there are 15 sts on RH ndl,then place these 15 sts on a holder. BO 18 sts, K until there are15 sts on RH ndl, then place these 15 sts on a holder. Cast off rem. 6 sts.

*Pick up first 15 sts from holder and with RS facing and using yarn A, K2, K2tog tbl, K to last 4 sts, K2 tog, K2

P1 row.

Using yarn B, K2, K2tog tbl, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.

P1 row.

Using yarn C, K2, K2tog tbl, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.

P1 row.

Using yarn D, K2, K2tog tbl, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.

P1 row.

Using yarn E, K2, S1, K2tog, psso, K2.

Cast off rem sts in P.

Repeat from * for second Ear Flap


With RS facing and using yarn H, pick up and K7 sts from 1st side of Back cast off edge, 14 sts around 1st Ear Flap, 18 sts from Front cast off edge, 14 sts from 2nd Ear Flap, and 7 sts from 2nd side of Back cast off edge. (50 sts)

Working in rounds:

K1 rnd.

P1 rnd,

Cast off in K.

Sew in all ends neatly.


Using yarn H, cast on 26 sts. Place Stitch marker and work in K1 P1 Rib for 12 rnds.

Using yarn A, K2 rnds.

Using yarn B, K2, M1, K10, M1, K1, M1, K13. (29 sts.)

K1 rnd.

Using yarn C, K2 rnds.

Using yarn D, K2, M1, K11, M1, K3, M1, K11, M1, K2. (33 sts.)

K1 rnd.

Using yarn E, K14, M1, K5, M1, K14 (35 sts.)

K1 rnd.

Using yarn F, K14, M1, K7, M1, K14 (37 sts.)

K1 rnd.


Slip 14 sts on a holder, using yarn A, K9 sts, slip rem 14 sts on a holder.

Place a stitch marker at the beginning of the rnd and K 1 rnd.

Using yarn H, K 8 rnds.

K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K1 (7 sts.)

K2tog, K1, K2tog, K2 (5 sts.)

K1, (K2tog)3 times. (4 sts.)

Break yarn and pass tail through 4 sts and tighten to close hole. Turn inside out and sew in end on WS.


beg begin

BO bind off

CC contrasting color

CN cable needle

CO cast on, cast off

cont continue

dec(s) decrease(s)/decreasing

dpn double-pointed needles

g st garter stitch (K every row)

inc(s) increase(s)/increasing

K knit

K1, s1, psso knit one, slip one, pass slipped stitch over

K2tog knit 2 together

K2tog tbl knit 2 together through back loop

kwise knitwise

LH left hand

M1 make one (increase 1 stitch)

MC main color

P purl

p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over

P2tog purl 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased)

patt rep(s) pattern repeat(s)

patt(s) pattern(s)

PM place marker

psso pass slipped stitch over

pwise purlwise

rem remain(ing)

rep repeat

RH right hand

rnd(s) round(s)

RS right side

sl slip

ssk slip 1, slip1, knit 2 slipped stitches together

st st stockinette (stocking) stitch (1 row K, 1 row P)

st(s) stitch(es)

tbl through back of loop

tog together

WS wrong side

wyib with yarn in back

wyif with yarn in front

yo yarn over

yon yarn over needle

( ) repeat instructions in parentheses number of timesindicated

* repeat instructions following asterisk as indicated or until end of row

[ ] instructions in square brackets refer to larger sizes

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