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Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2006 Сообщения: 289 Откуда: Россия ( Ставрополь)
Добавлено: 27 Фев 2007 01:17 Заголовок сообщения:
Yes,I agree,you should never believe what commercials say! _________________ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!
Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2006 Сообщения: 289 Откуда: Россия ( Ставрополь)
Добавлено: 05 Мар 2007 05:31 Заголовок сообщения:
Well,girls any suggestions about other topics to discuss! Don't be shy! We are open for any discussions! 8-) _________________ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!
I want to propose a topic..
As I have been understood you ladies all are living abroad and even overseas…
Teel us little bit (if it is not a big secret) about differences between that how did you imagined your lives there before (leaving in former USSR) and how imagined picture differ from reality?
I know something is wrong grammatically with this sentence - sorry
Sure, there are great differencies between my perception of foreign countries before living abroad and my further experiencies in these countries.
I've been living in France for 3 years and I think I'm getting acquainted to it now.
The first major difference that I'm facing now - it's the culture and patterns in the work environment. Coming from Russia, I was very confident in finding a job quickly - with all my diplomas and professional experiencies. That was a mistake. It's true, you can get a job quickly, a kind of flipping hamburgers at McDonnalds - but not a good job
It's also very different in your job search. You should be very motivated for any kind of job, even when you apply for a cleaning job
When applying, you should know the company, its markets and its activities as you have already worked for it. You must prove the employer that you are the best candidate he can dream of and you will be extremelly useful for the company.
Well, that's just a small point, there are other differencies too.
Hello ladies!
I also interested in the topic you raised. I also want to know some points about the life abroad. Is it too difficult to find job in some french or international company as a lawyer? What kind of exams (may be other kind of actions) should I pass to prove out my expertise? Or it is impossible? Thank you in advance. And sorry for my shaky English.
Normally your diplomas and your professional experiencies should prove your expertise.
I won't say for the whole Europe but in France it's almost impossible to find a job with a non-European diploma. You'd better have a French one.
Are you an expert in the international law? Speaking about lawyers, it's essential to know French and European laws.
Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2006 Сообщения: 289 Откуда: Россия ( Ставрополь)
Добавлено: 12 Мар 2007 03:09 Заголовок сообщения:
Well,finally I can drop some lines too. 8-) You know, I think even if I had a very good idea about the life abroad ,but a lot of things were shocking to me and i can tell you that I am still not used to living here,even if I have been living in the USA for 2 years.
About diplomas, it is quite easy to evaluate them here in the USA.There are a lot of special agencies which do it.You just send them all the necessary documents,money for the evaluation ( it is usually 120-150 $ ) amd just wait.They compare the courses you studied in Russia with the courses which are studied in the USA if you are following a certain program. For example,I graduated from the Institute of Foreign Langauges with the Major in English and Spanish and through the evaluation I got the Master in Foreign Langauges. So,they considered my education is equivalent to the same level of the American education. _________________ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!
I think you had luck - you needn't prove your high education (diploma)! May be the teaching programmes in USA and Russia are the same? Talking about me, I don't think it will be so easy. In spite of my university specialization in international law, I am just "lawyer" by diploma. My work experience is also far way from international law. Even when I worked in International Center for not for profit law (ICNL) I had been specialized in Kazakh law.
Meteliza! Thank you very much for your answer! I am not an expert in the international law. But I want to take the exam TOEFL and try my luck in some american and european exchange educational programmes. My purpose is to get LM.
Girls! I ask you for your help in my initiatives (undertaking)
Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2006 Сообщения: 289 Откуда: Россия ( Ставрополь)
Добавлено: 15 Мар 2007 00:02 Заголовок сообщения:
Yes,I guess the system and subjects studied in Russia and America for teachers of foreign languages are very alike.About law...Yes,agree with girls,it is better to get an education in the country of your choice or if you graduate from a Russian University,most likely you will have to take some extra courses at the college. I don't think the it will be evaluated ( your education) in the way that you don't have to study any further. _________________ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!
Meteliza and Galochka!
Thank you very much for your answers and advices. I completely agree with you both. I decided to win an educational grant and get LM in USA or in Europe. For now I think it is enough to talk about serious thinks. Let's talk about vacation. Where do you plan to spend your nearest holidays? I am going to visit London and Paris with my husband, mother in law and nephew.
Meteliza, could you give me a favor? We want to save a little bit our money and that's why we would like to rent an apartment for 4-5 days in Paris. Will it be cheaper than living in hotel (for example 3 stars hotel) and what is approximate price for one night (in apartment, which should be not far from the center of Paris)? Or may be it is not safety? do you know people or firms in Paris who can help us with this problem? I am living in Kazakhstan and I don't trust our tourfirms. We would like to find hotel or apartment by ourselves.
Thank you very much in advance.
if you come with your family - yes, I suppose an appartment will be cheaper. Unfortunately I'm not from Paris and I have no idea how much it would cost (I can inform you on vacation prices in the South of France)
Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2006 Сообщения: 289 Откуда: Россия ( Ставрополь)
Добавлено: 27 Мар 2007 06:56 Заголовок сообщения:
Everybody is so very silent! Has spring already come to where you live?We already real summer here! So hot outside! _________________ People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!
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